Great Thunder Obtains Legal Entity Identifier Number

VANCOUVER, BC, February 2, 2018 – Great Thunder Gold Corp. (TSXV: GTG) is pleased to announce that it has obtained a Legal Entity Identifier (“LEI”) number to facilitate international financial transactions. The Company was assigned LEI number 549300128XISRPZOGS58.


About the Legal Entity Identifier

An LEI is a unique 20-digit alphanumeric code associated with a single legal entity in accordance with the ISO 17442 standard. The LEI is a reference data tool to standardize how a counterparty is identified on financial transactions. Its goal is to help improve the measuring and monitoring of systemic risk and support more cost-effective compliance with regulatory reporting requirements. It is an internationally standardized identifier for financial market participants to identify contracting parties such as banks, investment firms and companies to comply with a variety of financial reporting requirements. The LEI has been designed and implemented to assist regulatory authorities in monitoring and analyzing threats to the stability of the financial markets worldwide and will affect most aspects of the securities markets including trading, clearing, settlement, custody, collateral and liquidity management, market data and indices.


About Great Thunder Gold Corp.

Great Thunder Gold Corp. is a mineral exploration and development company based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Our Company mandate is to acquire high quality exploration assets with a specific focus on gold and lithium. We intend to build NI 43-101 compliant resource determinations for each of our gold and lithium projects in order to demonstrate their long-term economic viability. In the case of our lithium projects, we are determined to define the mineralogical and metallurgical characteristics for efficient recovery of this coveted metal, to further the Company’s plan to become an integral part of the rechargeable battery storage technology supply chain. Great Thunder is managed by an experienced team of mining professionals with extensive operating and financial experience.




Signed “Kevin C. Whelan”        

Kevin C. Whelan, President

Direct line: (250) 474-6640
